Saturday, August 15, 2009

Extra Extra New York Times refuses to review Mein Kampf!!!

In a recent article for Christian Toto writes about the New York Times general refusal to review books by famous wingnuts. He then proceeds to rattle of names of conservative authors who have cracked the NYT bestseller list in recent days and then argues how much longer can the Times not review these books because they are so popular. What he doesn't take into account is how the New York times does not make it a practice to review books that are full of shit and written by demented snake charmers. Just because a book is popular does not mean its credible. Why even bother reviewing a steaming pile of shit if you can tell its going to be a steaming pile of shit just by looking at it?

Speaking of steaming piles of shit, if Mark Levin had his head up Hannity's ass any further he would have to start paying rent.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

McSame/Failin 2008

When 8 years of Republican rule ain't enough you know you want to vote for John McSame and Sarah "I was for the bridge to nowhere before I was against it" Failin.

Mark Levin loves midget Hannity penis

On another lame crossover call-in Mark "I am a self loathing Jew" Levin insulted everyone from Barack Obama to NOW. He proclaimed Obama is obsessed with Hannity, and maybe attracted to him. Who isn't attracted to a midget hyper sex crazed maniac like Sean Hannity? Here is video, go to Media Matters for the full story.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Get MSNBC on Verizon Fios

For those that don't have MSNBC on fios or even if you do sign this petition. Watching Faux News and CNN just isn't an option.

Go to the Kos to check out a discussion on the topic.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

John McCain will be President of Panama

John McCain is running a campaign that can only be described as atrocious by most knowledgeable people. Flip flopping has become a daily occurrence its not a matter of when but how. McCain was born in the Panama canal zone, as far as I have checked it is not a part of any American state or territory. McCain has tried to opt into the public financing system and did by getting a loan and using the public funds as collateral then he tried to opt out to collect money from lobbyists and Bush supporters. Now, McCain wants to opt back in since Bush's cronies are refusing to pony up any more cash for a deadbeat loser. Panama is in desperate need of a new leader a leader who can say "thats not change you can believe in". It is time that its favorite son goes home to do for Panama what his best friend George W. Bush has done for America.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hillary Clinton

She does not know when to quit. She lost plain and simple, she lost this thing 5 years ago when she supported the war, she lost this thing when she refused to apologize for that support, she lost this race back in march when she let Obama rattle of 11 victories in a row, and she lost tonight when Barack Obama clinched it. No graciousness, no civility, no saying that your opponent ran a better race and won.

Following this logic why should the Patriots quit when the fourth quarter is over and they have less points then the other team? Why should someone leave the office when they are fired for larceny and malfeasance?

Great Coverage

Monday, May 26, 2008

Recount: The Movie!!!!!!

Such sadness such horror, such terror, during watching this movie.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

John Edwards for Vice-President

Obama Should pick John Edwards, that would be a truly great decision. Edwards will get those low income whites that seem to be turned off by Obama. Yeah, I know Edwards has already been a vp nominee but this is a different John Edwards.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Obama on Israel, anti-semiism, and Zionism from the Atlantic

Obama gives his thoughts on Israel, Jews, antisemitism, and Zionism.

Bill Oreilly was the same asshole decades ago

Check out this video from Gawker, Orielly goes crazy yells at his staff over nothing. This is not unusual for the falafel king.


This is the reason that Barack Obama will slaughter John McCain in the general election. Because of people like this guy, there are many of them out there and their legions will swell when they find out about McCain's support of a third Bush Term.

Hillary Clinton will drink your Milkshake

Hillary has started to think and act very much like Daniel Day Lewis's character from "There Will Be Blood". Her Words have spoken louder than her actions. She has fought for civil rights and equality for a long time but when the times turn tough she turns into a blathering nitwit. Just like Mr. Plainview she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She does not seem to care whether or not this will impact America's chance to elect a capable president instead of a president who will continue the failed policies of the Bush administration.

The kind of things she says in interviews and to her audience are grossly demeaning to the American public as well as to Barack Obama. To Hillary it is more important that she continues to fight and drag this thing on until everybody raises their hands in uproar and says fine fine forget it Hillary can have it. That is just not going to happen, she needs to do the right thing, that being go after John McCain on his record and exit stage left.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Falafel man loses his head

Bill Orielly went crazy eyes on Chris Dodd, but Dodd took him on and sent him packing.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Shitty president invites shitty hack radio hosts to the White House

George W. Bush with his presidency hanging on a thread of a cliff has decided to get some impartial advice from well respected political minds... Just kidding about the second part. The president gathered the greatest number of cretins, charlatans, egomaniac swine since the last meeting of the KKK. Most of these names no one has ever heard of except for their minimal listeners. He no doubt consulted with them on how to best defeat terrorism, liberalism, and egotism. Most of these problems were resolved by noon, Hannity took the rest of the day to walk Mark Levin on the White House lawn and pickup his droppings.

"Radio Dial

For the second year in a row, President Bush called some of his closest radio friends to the White House for an off-the-record briefing and discussion.

Mark Levin and Sean Hannity of WABC (770 AM) were among the 10 conservative talk-radio hosts who met with Bush in the West Wing yesterday, according to Talkers magazine.

The others were Glenn Beck, Neal Boortz, Hugh Hewitt, Scott Hennen, Bill Bennett, Michael Medved, Lars Larsen and Janet Parshall." From David Hinckley in the NY Daily News.

Shitty author makes shitty appearance at shitty conservative music festival

"Levin, a loudmouth, New York gutter rat, should look in the mirror. He is no prince charming. Any woman who wants this short overweight rodent has to be very desperate. Get off the stage you big dope!"

Levin made an appearance at Hannity's freedom concert which was nothing more than propaganda for his masses, with criminals such as Oliver North present.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Levin and the Coultergiest share a thought

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Book review of Levin's shitty book "Men in Black"

"I use the word "book" with some hesitation: Certainly it possesses chapters and words and other book-like accoutrements. But Men in Black is 208 large-print pages of mostly block quotes (from court decisions or other legal thinkers) padded with a foreword by the eminent legal scholar Rush Limbaugh, and a blurry 10-page "Appendix" of internal memos to and from congressional Democrats—stolen during Memogate. The reason it may take you only slightly longer to read Men in Black than it took Levin to write it is that you'll experience an overwhelming urge to shower between chapters." As written by Dahlia Lithwick

Read the full review at Slate.

This is one of many shitty reviews Mark has gotten for his book. There will be many more to follow.

To start it off right Michael Moore rips Wolf Blizter

Michael Moore rips Wolf Blizter a new asshole.