Thursday, August 2, 2007

Shitty president invites shitty hack radio hosts to the White House

George W. Bush with his presidency hanging on a thread of a cliff has decided to get some impartial advice from well respected political minds... Just kidding about the second part. The president gathered the greatest number of cretins, charlatans, egomaniac swine since the last meeting of the KKK. Most of these names no one has ever heard of except for their minimal listeners. He no doubt consulted with them on how to best defeat terrorism, liberalism, and egotism. Most of these problems were resolved by noon, Hannity took the rest of the day to walk Mark Levin on the White House lawn and pickup his droppings.

"Radio Dial

For the second year in a row, President Bush called some of his closest radio friends to the White House for an off-the-record briefing and discussion.

Mark Levin and Sean Hannity of WABC (770 AM) were among the 10 conservative talk-radio hosts who met with Bush in the West Wing yesterday, according to Talkers magazine.

The others were Glenn Beck, Neal Boortz, Hugh Hewitt, Scott Hennen, Bill Bennett, Michael Medved, Lars Larsen and Janet Parshall." From David Hinckley in the NY Daily News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.