Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mark Levin loves midget Hannity penis

On another lame crossover call-in Mark "I am a self loathing Jew" Levin insulted everyone from Barack Obama to NOW. He proclaimed Obama is obsessed with Hannity, and maybe attracted to him. Who isn't attracted to a midget hyper sex crazed maniac like Sean Hannity? Here is video, go to Media Matters for the full story.


Anonymous said...

mark levin is a petty faggot. takes dumps in a golden toilet lined with pictures of the poor. he can rot in hell with his dipshit economic views of wealthy hording. dont tell people to spend when it's a matter of balance and the only people who can and should be spending are the rich. need to diffuse the money jungle. such a faggot. faggot faggot faggot.

swde5fr6gtyjup;[']\ said...

Mark is a $$$$$$$$$ whooororrr

swde5fr6gtyjup;[']\ said...

Mark is a $$$$$$$$$ whooororrr