Saturday, June 21, 2008

John McCain will be President of Panama

John McCain is running a campaign that can only be described as atrocious by most knowledgeable people. Flip flopping has become a daily occurrence its not a matter of when but how. McCain was born in the Panama canal zone, as far as I have checked it is not a part of any American state or territory. McCain has tried to opt into the public financing system and did by getting a loan and using the public funds as collateral then he tried to opt out to collect money from lobbyists and Bush supporters. Now, McCain wants to opt back in since Bush's cronies are refusing to pony up any more cash for a deadbeat loser. Panama is in desperate need of a new leader a leader who can say "thats not change you can believe in". It is time that its favorite son goes home to do for Panama what his best friend George W. Bush has done for America.

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