Sunday, September 7, 2008

McSame/Failin 2008

When 8 years of Republican rule ain't enough you know you want to vote for John McSame and Sarah "I was for the bridge to nowhere before I was against it" Failin.

Mark Levin loves midget Hannity penis

On another lame crossover call-in Mark "I am a self loathing Jew" Levin insulted everyone from Barack Obama to NOW. He proclaimed Obama is obsessed with Hannity, and maybe attracted to him. Who isn't attracted to a midget hyper sex crazed maniac like Sean Hannity? Here is video, go to Media Matters for the full story.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Get MSNBC on Verizon Fios

For those that don't have MSNBC on fios or even if you do sign this petition. Watching Faux News and CNN just isn't an option.

Go to the Kos to check out a discussion on the topic.