Saturday, August 15, 2009

Extra Extra New York Times refuses to review Mein Kampf!!!

In a recent article for Christian Toto writes about the New York Times general refusal to review books by famous wingnuts. He then proceeds to rattle of names of conservative authors who have cracked the NYT bestseller list in recent days and then argues how much longer can the Times not review these books because they are so popular. What he doesn't take into account is how the New York times does not make it a practice to review books that are full of shit and written by demented snake charmers. Just because a book is popular does not mean its credible. Why even bother reviewing a steaming pile of shit if you can tell its going to be a steaming pile of shit just by looking at it?

Speaking of steaming piles of shit, if Mark Levin had his head up Hannity's ass any further he would have to start paying rent.